The Loft: I Am

Stumbled upon this #TheLoft blog post in Arabah Joy while checking Pinterest where faith bloggers will be able to be connected with each other.

“I Am”, a way of introducing ourselves to each and everyone that will link up with #TheLoft for the first week’s entry.

So here’s an introduction of myself. 

I am Ma. Francheska Denise Astilla. I prefer to be called Denise but people close to my heart calls me Den. I am a 24 year old working mom who’s currently on maternity leave for my second pregnancy. 

I got married when I was 19 with the man who means the world to me and happens to be God’s greatest blessing as well, my Reyzon. I may be married at a very young age but God made everything fall into place with the help of my loving husband. 

I must say that my faith has just been renewed recently. Due to my maternity leave, I was able to find time to communicate with God more. I have read blogs encouraging women on how to live a life of faith which lit up the fire in my very soul and pushed me to build a closer relationship with God. 

I have started this blog of mine last 2015 about random stuff. I love writing and I found blogging as a good instrument to express myself. Until I began reading the Bible and inspire myself with the Words of God which led me to get myself into blogging again. This time I felt that somehow God is calling me to share what I am learning and inspire other women as well. 

I am just beginning to startup my blog and improve it. I am engaging myself to different tutorials on how I can improve this blog to spread more of His words. 

I guess that will be it. 

By the way, I find #TheLoft a really big help and a good way to learn from other faith bloggers more. So, thank you.




Not everyone enjoys doing household chores, mundane tasks and all. (Raises hand) Well, count me in! I don’t like doing the laundry, washing dishes, folding clothes, name them all. If only I could just lay on my bed all day without doing anything literally, I would definitely love it! Who wouldn’t? Come on!

By this time, you must already know that I am currently engaged in reading and studying the Bible. God really never fails to open our eyes to the things that we should be seeing and noticing. His words are really meant to mold us to becoming the person we should be according to His plan. He fixes our flaws, corrects us, so we can be redeemed.

Along the way, I have realized the glorious significance of homemaking. Homemaking is much more than cleaning the house, doing the laundry and cooking for the family. Homemaking is nurturing a spirit of warmth, comfort and love in your home.

As women, regardless of our marital, parental and employment status, whether you are working outside your home or stay at home full time, you are a homemaker. We are made to do this.

Homemaking seemed so “not me” (at least on my own mind, i’m too cool to do the household. LOL). A couch potato indeed. 

Then God has awaken me to the fact that all those fancy things I envisioned to do with my life in this wordly planet were all nonsense, will not matter and temporary. 

And those big, Godly-things I envisioned doing? Perhaps it will be lasting and rewarding.

Laboring at home when done wholeheartedly for the glory of God is truly a pursuit with rewards. It will even change our mindsets towards doing mundane tasks. Aren’t you gonna be doing your best if it’s to serve God? 

“Whatever you do, work on it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not human masters since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” -Colossians 3:23-24

I realized that, homemaking is a ministry.

Homemaking matters. My role as a homemaker, wife and mother is no less important nor less significant than the more glorified ministry roles. 

Today, I hope you recognize the importance of homemaking and see that no matter how hard the daily tasks will be, this matters. Although homemaking is starting to be my passion, this wasn’t always the case. Remember, I’m pregnant, heading to the start of my last trimester, doing chores is a bit harder for me. So, I really struggle. 

However, it will not be an excuse. God has called me to make the place where I and my family live, a home.

Let the book of Proverbs be your guide. Study and understand more of your roles at a deeper perspective on its Chapter 31. It is truly a big help, ladies.  

Life’s Manual

6219e50bfdb3456e97c948f9496ef3fcThere is a saying, “life doesn’t come with a manual” that is why our form of learning is through our mistakes and experiences.
But actually, there is a manual. Yes, you’ve read it right! There is. Life really did come with instructions.
God is so good that He actually provided instructions for us which are applicable everyday, for every situation, in all aspects whenever you’ll need it, for free. Everything is compiled in the Bible.

Believe me, the Bible got your back.

It is not for us to be perfect nor to live such a life we may call flawless. These God-given instructions are meant to guide us, again not to become perfect but to be righteous.
His words are everything. It gives us hope, love, light and everything necessary to live our lives to the fullest. Fullness and abundance of joy, love, genuine happiness and freedom. He is showing us the pattern and the way on how shall we live that will give us eternity for He loves us so much.

On my previous post Sense of Sufficiency, you may think that I was telling you just to sit there, do nothing and you would still prosper because God will provide.
No. I was trying to help you establish faith in God and have an unshakable trust in your own wholeness and deep inner sufficiency so that you can enjoy solitude and stillness.

You can’t be lazy and expect yourself to become successful. There is a correct way on how you allow miracles to happen in your life as instructed by God.

“If you are too lazy to plow, don’t expect to harvest.” -Proverbs 20:4

See? So what should you do then?

“Love not sleep, it will come to poverty; open your eyes, and you shall be satisfied with bread.” -Proverbs:20:13

Got it?
Feeling like you have failed even after striving so hard to accomplish something? These are for you.

“I will not cause any pain without allowing something new to be born.”
-Isaiah 66:9

So, just…

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act.” -Proverbs 37:5


“He who started a good work in Him will carry it to completion.” -Philippians 1:6


“When the time is right, the Lord will make it happen.” -Isaiah 60:22

Amazed now? I told you.
Pray because He listens and He definitely responds.
Open up your Bible now and have great conversation with the Lord.

May God bless whoever you are reading this now. Good day!

Sense of Sufficiency

1485775151391.jpgFeeling tired? exhausted? You must be tired of pushing through a lot to pursue the things that you’ve always wanted, of trying to achieve life goals and to work for your dreams. Don’t you?
Most of us, keeps on stepping up their games to the next level. We achieve something, we would want more.

Shall we call it contentment issue or is it just a matter of knowing what is enough?

It will be alot easier to be contented when we know what is enough, how much is enough and that you are enough. Isn’t it? But how will we know if we already have enough?

We live in a world full of its own unlimited potential which pushes as to get better, be better and have better of this presumptive grandiosity that life offers. This is what makes us forget what enough actually feels like. Nothing ever seems to be enough.
It is just a fact that not knowing what really is enough gives us a hard time to give ourselves a job well done or consider a day well spent.

Wouldn’t it be great if we can find a way to sense the moment of sufficiency in things such as enough work, enough love, enough success, enough wealth, enough clothing, enough food, enough shelter and so on?

Enough is an inside job. It emerges within our bodies and souls. Predicting, planning or working for what is enough is where the flaw is, for enough can never be defined by quantity or stable measure or consistency.
The truth is, we can never find enough in the same time, the same way. As we grow and change, the meaning of suffiency grows and changes as well. Our needs and wants when we were teens are no longer even recognizable as we become adults. The sense of sufficiency to someone born wealthy is far way different to the poor ones.

Lives are shifting. It makes us long for solitude and stillness. What can we do then?

Live the moment and focus on what truly matters.

Again live the moment, enjoy today without worrying about tomorrow & focus on what matters. Focus on what makes you happy and most importantly, appreciate what you already have.

And you know what?
God’s grace is sufficient. It will always be sufficient. Honestly, His grace is all we need. Take all your worries away and you’ll see you already have what you need and what you worry about by the time you will be needing it because God will always provide. He will find a way, for He is the way.

Find and have enough through His words. Pray. Allow God the Father to talk to you by reading and understanding His words and you shall find rest.

I am not telling you not to dream BIG. What I am saying is allow God to do the job without you exhausting yourself by exerting too much effort. At the end of the day, no matter what your life plans may be, it would still be His purpose which will prevail, as stated on the Bible.

So whatever bothers you today, just sit back, relax and pray. Leave it to God. Just allow miracles to happen. Be still for you already have enough and what you are now is enough.


Live by Faith

d63b8d8635bd8054dbbf97ea90b20e89Have you ever had a question in mind that seem to bother you? Life, finances, career, marriage, parenting and so on that makes you wonder and ask yourself, am I doing the right thing? Is it a good decision? What am I suppose to do? And even more whys and hows in life.

There are really lots of things that make us wonder and question. You’re not alone. Everybody is going through the same situation, including me! I know you are longing for the answers to these questions. Where could we find those answers?

Let me share you something.

On my last blogpost, I have shared that I am currently pregnant which seems to be a bit high risk. I had to take a leave earlier than expected.

This simple thing that I had to do requires lots of sacrifices, compromises and all. Going on leave means I won’t get paid. Therefore, the family budget will be affected. Before going to sleep, I would even take time to think. How will I help my husband with our finances? Why do I have to be in such situation? Everything seems to be going well as I planned and suddenly these adjustments? Why?


I was doing my usual morning routine, having breakfast while browsing instagram and pinterest. A specific verse caught my attention which states,

“Where God guides, He provides.”                                             -Isaiah 58:11

I was somehow relieved deep inside. The post was like telling me that God will not or shall I say never will He put me in a situation just to leave me hanging there with nothing. It made me realize how many times I was put in a situation that I didn’t even know what to do and God will just give what I definitely need to get along.

So then, I started reading the Bible again. Reading and understanding the words of God gives comfort, love, peace and hope that you will undeniably feel deep within your souls. Maybe that’s what they say, allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within.

The next things that happened after that, I consider miracles. God is really good. Everything is really possible through Him. Really.

So today, whoever is reading this article, wherever you may be, allow me to pray for you.


Let me thank you for all the wonderful things you are bringing to our lives each day. May you guide us in every decision we make. Enlighten our minds with wisdom and fill our hearts with so much love. Give us the strength to have this will and eagerness to seek a closer relationship with you.


Turn all your worries into prayers. God is in control. Believe. Good day!


Answered Prayer

1485408741738It’s been two years since I had my last blogpost. I missed writing! Well, what brought me back into this is the urge to share you some thoughts on this journey I am walking through.

I am currently on my 25th week of pregnancy with my little boy. Yes, we’re having a boy! I’ve been sharing you some of my thoughts and realizations as a parent to my first born, Louise. This year, my husband and I planned to have our second baby with the hopes that we’ll have a boy. Gladly, we are now blessed with what we just prayed for. I am now carrying a little boy inside my tummy for 25 weeks and 3 days to date.

I once stumbled with the words such being specific with our prayers upon reading a book. One of Mr. Bo Sanchez’ who happens to be one of my life inspirations. Going back, that’s what I did. We did rather. We didn’t just simply ask for another baby. We prayed and asked for a baby boy. We fervently prayed for that every single day and night and it was granted. And as agreed, we will name him Luccio Antonio.

My second pregnancy didn’t turn out to be as easy or chill if I may say as my first one. During the first trimester, I have experienced severe morning sickness. Well, it’s actually “all day sickness”. My blood pressure dropped down to 90/40mmHg (without me passing out yet). Thank God for that anyway. I was even admitted in the hospital for two nights. Things are quite hard since I will be needing to go to work and perform the usual call center jobs. Honestly, it wasn’t the job itself that’s making things worse. It is actually the travel. I am two hours away from my workplace (that’s when the traffic isn’t heavy) not to mention the bus tranfers and long walks from the stops to the office itself. So then, all these factors were affecting my pregnancy, knowing that it’s quite high risk.

It may be too early but I was advised to take a leave from work already to avoid those stress triggers. I may miss the office, my buddies and all. Nonetheless, I shall rest for my baby boy’s sake.

Everything for my Luccio. All the best for this little one. The answered prayer God just blessed us with.

Being Mommy


Being mom a little too early means I will get to love my daughter a little longer. Some said my life has ended when I had my baby but actually my life has just begun. She didn’t take away my future, my little babe gave me a new one.

I had my Ma. Alessandra Louise at the age of 19. I was still studying that time. Her dad and I may had her so untimely but she’s indeed a fruit of love, that’s for sure. Feeling her presence inside my tummy gives me an unexplainable happiness. From then on, she was loved.

Motherhood is hard but all worth it. I must say it’s the most difficult job, no salary but pays off. Having your child is indeed a blessing, just by looking at them, viola! Happiness. It is also learning to compromise yourself, old habits, beliefs and stuffs for what you know would be best for your child.


You know you’re a mom when taking a bath is such a reward, a “finally, me-time!” feeling.
When the food spit out by your little one is still food and can be eaten *eew, but yea. I do this all the time.
My babe is now two. And i’m telling you, dealing with a toddler is a serious thing. Tantrums here, tantrums there and everywhere but as their moms we get to know what their simplest squeak actually means. Be it food, nappies, milk or want some sleep, we know.

A child’s happiness is their parents’ joy. When they are happy, we are even happier. Their smiles melt hearts.
Being mommy is getting yourself beyond blessed.




(n) the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self or way of life.

I always start my day with the mantra, “Live a happy life”. That positive thought changes my whole day, so I always try to see the good in everything.


I am a wife and a mom to our little babe. My world means them. At this very young age of 22, I’ve been through a lot. Life was never easy until I changed the way I think about life and my attitude towards everything I do.

I am blessed with such a loving, understanding and responsible husband. We may not have a lot but he makes sure that he’s able to provide our necessities. He never fails to make me feel loved and special in his own little ways.
So in return, I do my best to serve him as his wife, take good care of him and our daughter. As the bible states that wives should submit themselves to their husbands.

Our daughter is the most wonderful gift God has given us, for which we are delighted. Because of her, I and my husband have turned into the better versions of ourselves as parents and as individuals.

Life is just a matter of how we see it and our mindset in a positive perspective. Life may be tough but prove you’re tougher. It is not changing what we do but changing our attitude towards what we do.

The key to happiness is to always remind ourselves that we’re truly blessed. Look around you, see and appreciate what you’ve been blessed with.
