
Not everyone enjoys doing household chores, mundane tasks and all. (Raises hand) Well, count me in! I don’t like doing the laundry, washing dishes, folding clothes, name them all. If only I could just lay on my bed all day without doing anything literally, I would definitely love it! Who wouldn’t? Come on!

By this time, you must already know that I am currently engaged in reading and studying the Bible. God really never fails to open our eyes to the things that we should be seeing and noticing. His words are really meant to mold us to becoming the person we should be according to His plan. He fixes our flaws, corrects us, so we can be redeemed.

Along the way, I have realized the glorious significance of homemaking. Homemaking is much more than cleaning the house, doing the laundry and cooking for the family. Homemaking is nurturing a spirit of warmth, comfort and love in your home.

As women, regardless of our marital, parental and employment status, whether you are working outside your home or stay at home full time, you are a homemaker. We are made to do this.

Homemaking seemed so “not me” (at least on my own mind, i’m too cool to do the household. LOL). A couch potato indeed. 

Then God has awaken me to the fact that all those fancy things I envisioned to do with my life in this wordly planet were all nonsense, will not matter and temporary. 

And those big, Godly-things I envisioned doing? Perhaps it will be lasting and rewarding.

Laboring at home when done wholeheartedly for the glory of God is truly a pursuit with rewards. It will even change our mindsets towards doing mundane tasks. Aren’t you gonna be doing your best if it’s to serve God? 

“Whatever you do, work on it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not human masters since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” -Colossians 3:23-24

I realized that, homemaking is a ministry.

Homemaking matters. My role as a homemaker, wife and mother is no less important nor less significant than the more glorified ministry roles. 

Today, I hope you recognize the importance of homemaking and see that no matter how hard the daily tasks will be, this matters. Although homemaking is starting to be my passion, this wasn’t always the case. Remember, I’m pregnant, heading to the start of my last trimester, doing chores is a bit harder for me. So, I really struggle. 

However, it will not be an excuse. God has called me to make the place where I and my family live, a home.

Let the book of Proverbs be your guide. Study and understand more of your roles at a deeper perspective on its Chapter 31. It is truly a big help, ladies.