My Fit Not Skinny Journey

imageI firmly believe that fitness is not just a fad but more of a lifestyle. Welcome to my fitness journey! I am a mom already. After getting pregnant and giving birth to my baby, my body definitely changed. I may be skinny in form but my tummy is not as firm as it used to be. Legs are lean. I find them too skinny for my body goal. And that’s when I started to make a move, to workout.


They say that you can always work for the body you’ve always wanted. In my case, I want to achieve sexier legs and of course, tight and firm tummy. A body really toned. I watched different workout routines and read motivational stuffs. After months of doing squats, lunges and alike, my body showed dramatic improvement like whoa! So it’s true, the body achieves what the mind believes. Believe you can and you’re half way there.

Keep yourself motivated to stay on track. It may not be easy but it will all be worth it.

Discipline is the key. Eat healthy, hydrate yourself and exercise. Do not cheat yourself. What you eat in private, you wear in public. You are what you eat. You are the one responsible for your body. So, get up there and workout. You can’t be fit just by reading this, you have to move that ass off.

No time is such a lame excuse. 10-20 mins. of your time will do. That is just a small portion of your day. You just have to make time for it. Do not procastinate. Start now and you’ll achieve your goal earlier. Do not delay seeing the results. Skipping a workout is skipping an improvement. I swear, your body will thank you later.