Sense of Sufficiency

1485775151391.jpgFeeling tired? exhausted? You must be tired of pushing through a lot to pursue the things that you’ve always wanted, of trying to achieve life goals and to work for your dreams. Don’t you?
Most of us, keeps on stepping up their games to the next level. We achieve something, we would want more.

Shall we call it contentment issue or is it just a matter of knowing what is enough?

It will be alot easier to be contented when we know what is enough, how much is enough and that you are enough. Isn’t it? But how will we know if we already have enough?

We live in a world full of its own unlimited potential which pushes as to get better, be better and have better of this presumptive grandiosity that life offers. This is what makes us forget what enough actually feels like. Nothing ever seems to be enough.
It is just a fact that not knowing what really is enough gives us a hard time to give ourselves a job well done or consider a day well spent.

Wouldn’t it be great if we can find a way to sense the moment of sufficiency in things such as enough work, enough love, enough success, enough wealth, enough clothing, enough food, enough shelter and so on?

Enough is an inside job. It emerges within our bodies and souls. Predicting, planning or working for what is enough is where the flaw is, for enough can never be defined by quantity or stable measure or consistency.
The truth is, we can never find enough in the same time, the same way. As we grow and change, the meaning of suffiency grows and changes as well. Our needs and wants when we were teens are no longer even recognizable as we become adults. The sense of sufficiency to someone born wealthy is far way different to the poor ones.

Lives are shifting. It makes us long for solitude and stillness. What can we do then?

Live the moment and focus on what truly matters.

Again live the moment, enjoy today without worrying about tomorrow & focus on what matters. Focus on what makes you happy and most importantly, appreciate what you already have.

And you know what?
God’s grace is sufficient. It will always be sufficient. Honestly, His grace is all we need. Take all your worries away and you’ll see you already have what you need and what you worry about by the time you will be needing it because God will always provide. He will find a way, for He is the way.

Find and have enough through His words. Pray. Allow God the Father to talk to you by reading and understanding His words and you shall find rest.

I am not telling you not to dream BIG. What I am saying is allow God to do the job without you exhausting yourself by exerting too much effort. At the end of the day, no matter what your life plans may be, it would still be His purpose which will prevail, as stated on the Bible.

So whatever bothers you today, just sit back, relax and pray. Leave it to God. Just allow miracles to happen. Be still for you already have enough and what you are now is enough.


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