Live by Faith

d63b8d8635bd8054dbbf97ea90b20e89Have you ever had a question in mind that seem to bother you? Life, finances, career, marriage, parenting and so on that makes you wonder and ask yourself, am I doing the right thing? Is it a good decision? What am I suppose to do? And even more whys and hows in life.

There are really lots of things that make us wonder and question. You’re not alone. Everybody is going through the same situation, including me! I know you are longing for the answers to these questions. Where could we find those answers?

Let me share you something.

On my last blogpost, I have shared that I am currently pregnant which seems to be a bit high risk. I had to take a leave earlier than expected.

This simple thing that I had to do requires lots of sacrifices, compromises and all. Going on leave means I won’t get paid. Therefore, the family budget will be affected. Before going to sleep, I would even take time to think. How will I help my husband with our finances? Why do I have to be in such situation? Everything seems to be going well as I planned and suddenly these adjustments? Why?


I was doing my usual morning routine, having breakfast while browsing instagram and pinterest. A specific verse caught my attention which states,

“Where God guides, He provides.”                                             -Isaiah 58:11

I was somehow relieved deep inside. The post was like telling me that God will not or shall I say never will He put me in a situation just to leave me hanging there with nothing. It made me realize how many times I was put in a situation that I didn’t even know what to do and God will just give what I definitely need to get along.

So then, I started reading the Bible again. Reading and understanding the words of God gives comfort, love, peace and hope that you will undeniably feel deep within your souls. Maybe that’s what they say, allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within.

The next things that happened after that, I consider miracles. God is really good. Everything is really possible through Him. Really.

So today, whoever is reading this article, wherever you may be, allow me to pray for you.


Let me thank you for all the wonderful things you are bringing to our lives each day. May you guide us in every decision we make. Enlighten our minds with wisdom and fill our hearts with so much love. Give us the strength to have this will and eagerness to seek a closer relationship with you.


Turn all your worries into prayers. God is in control. Believe. Good day!


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