Being Mommy


Being mom a little too early means I will get to love my daughter a little longer. Some said my life has ended when I had my baby but actually my life has just begun. She didn’t take away my future, my little babe gave me a new one.

I had my Ma. Alessandra Louise at the age of 19. I was still studying that time. Her dad and I may had her so untimely but she’s indeed a fruit of love, that’s for sure. Feeling her presence inside my tummy gives me an unexplainable happiness. From then on, she was loved.

Motherhood is hard but all worth it. I must say it’s the most difficult job, no salary but pays off. Having your child is indeed a blessing, just by looking at them, viola! Happiness. It is also learning to compromise yourself, old habits, beliefs and stuffs for what you know would be best for your child.


You know you’re a mom when taking a bath is such a reward, a “finally, me-time!” feeling.
When the food spit out by your little one is still food and can be eaten *eew, but yea. I do this all the time.
My babe is now two. And i’m telling you, dealing with a toddler is a serious thing. Tantrums here, tantrums there and everywhere but as their moms we get to know what their simplest squeak actually means. Be it food, nappies, milk or want some sleep, we know.

A child’s happiness is their parents’ joy. When they are happy, we are even happier. Their smiles melt hearts.
Being mommy is getting yourself beyond blessed.


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