My Fit Not Skinny Journey

imageI firmly believe that fitness is not just a fad but more of a lifestyle. Welcome to my fitness journey! I am a mom already. After getting pregnant and giving birth to my baby, my body definitely changed. I may be skinny in form but my tummy is not as firm as it used to be. Legs are lean. I find them too skinny for my body goal. And that’s when I started to make a move, to workout.


They say that you can always work for the body you’ve always wanted. In my case, I want to achieve sexier legs and of course, tight and firm tummy. A body really toned. I watched different workout routines and read motivational stuffs. After months of doing squats, lunges and alike, my body showed dramatic improvement like whoa! So it’s true, the body achieves what the mind believes. Believe you can and you’re half way there.

Keep yourself motivated to stay on track. It may not be easy but it will all be worth it.

Discipline is the key. Eat healthy, hydrate yourself and exercise. Do not cheat yourself. What you eat in private, you wear in public. You are what you eat. You are the one responsible for your body. So, get up there and workout. You can’t be fit just by reading this, you have to move that ass off.

No time is such a lame excuse. 10-20 mins. of your time will do. That is just a small portion of your day. You just have to make time for it. Do not procastinate. Start now and you’ll achieve your goal earlier. Do not delay seeing the results. Skipping a workout is skipping an improvement. I swear, your body will thank you later.

Being Mommy


Being mom a little too early means I will get to love my daughter a little longer. Some said my life has ended when I had my baby but actually my life has just begun. She didn’t take away my future, my little babe gave me a new one.

I had my Ma. Alessandra Louise at the age of 19. I was still studying that time. Her dad and I may had her so untimely but she’s indeed a fruit of love, that’s for sure. Feeling her presence inside my tummy gives me an unexplainable happiness. From then on, she was loved.

Motherhood is hard but all worth it. I must say it’s the most difficult job, no salary but pays off. Having your child is indeed a blessing, just by looking at them, viola! Happiness. It is also learning to compromise yourself, old habits, beliefs and stuffs for what you know would be best for your child.


You know you’re a mom when taking a bath is such a reward, a “finally, me-time!” feeling.
When the food spit out by your little one is still food and can be eaten *eew, but yea. I do this all the time.
My babe is now two. And i’m telling you, dealing with a toddler is a serious thing. Tantrums here, tantrums there and everywhere but as their moms we get to know what their simplest squeak actually means. Be it food, nappies, milk or want some sleep, we know.

A child’s happiness is their parents’ joy. When they are happy, we are even happier. Their smiles melt hearts.
Being mommy is getting yourself beyond blessed.




(n) the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self or way of life.

I always start my day with the mantra, “Live a happy life”. That positive thought changes my whole day, so I always try to see the good in everything.


I am a wife and a mom to our little babe. My world means them. At this very young age of 22, I’ve been through a lot. Life was never easy until I changed the way I think about life and my attitude towards everything I do.

I am blessed with such a loving, understanding and responsible husband. We may not have a lot but he makes sure that he’s able to provide our necessities. He never fails to make me feel loved and special in his own little ways.
So in return, I do my best to serve him as his wife, take good care of him and our daughter. As the bible states that wives should submit themselves to their husbands.

Our daughter is the most wonderful gift God has given us, for which we are delighted. Because of her, I and my husband have turned into the better versions of ourselves as parents and as individuals.

Life is just a matter of how we see it and our mindset in a positive perspective. Life may be tough but prove you’re tougher. It is not changing what we do but changing our attitude towards what we do.

The key to happiness is to always remind ourselves that we’re truly blessed. Look around you, see and appreciate what you’ve been blessed with.
